Stronger Together Fox Valley is a network of citizen leaders bringing their associations together to work to improve the quality of life for people in their communities. Our aim is to strengthen our capacity to engage as citizens for the common good.

Current Projects & Collaborations:
Stronger Together Fox Valley’s Core Team recently launched the Equity Network. The network is a new regional collaboration of organizations committed to monitoring local decision-making and utilizing a civil rights strategy to foster a culture of accountability for equity between network members and for community policymakers.
The Good Early Start Team is organized around the conviction that “Giving kids their best chance is our best choice.” Team members are people who are passionate about ensuring a good early start for all children & families in our Fox Valley communities. The entire community benefits when all its children are able to thrive in their early years. All segments of the community have a key role to play in giving our community’s children their best possible outcome. Stronger Together Fox Valley is a proud partner of First 5 Fox Valley.
The Neighborhood Development Team is a collaborative effort aimed at creating sustainable change through building positive productive relationships between neighborhoods, their schools and the residents and institutions that would mutually benefit.
Communities Involved:
Fox Valley Region (including Appleton, Neenah, Menasha, and more.)
How you can get involved: