the equity network
Communities in the Fox Valley Region uphold equity and racial justice as shared values and expectations.
Create a regional network of organizations committed to monitoring local decision-making using a civil rights strategy that holds network members and policymakers accountable in our community.
What success looks like
Provide a coordinated effort for member organizations to put stated values into practice
Cooperatively monitor local issues and proposals with an equity lens.
Expect local policymakers to
use methods and data in ways that include full and fair participation by diverse communities
distribute benefits fairly and mitigate the negative impacts of many forms of social and health inequities and discrimination
Build relationships between member organizations to increase trust and information sharing
Improve community capacity for considering the needs of all residents and making choices to build greater equity
Why an Equity Network?
Inequities and disparities stem from a wide range of policies and practices implemented at a local level. Ensuring decisions are made in ways that promote the common good takes active monitoring by local residents. Many organizations are interested in building stronger communities where all can thrive. Some are already engaged in specific policy issues. In the Equity Network, participating organizations and individuals will work together for more effective monitoring and communication for civic engagement.
A legal framework exists within Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act which outlines expectations for planning and community input to assist local policymakers so their decisions are nondiscriminatory for public and private programs and projects supported by federal funding. Civil rights are also protected in state law. The Equity Network will help provide a vital and often missing link between the intention of the law and realizing equitable outcomes locally.
Who is involved?
ESTHER – Faith Communities United for Justice
League of Women Voters of Appleton
People of Progression​
Help the Equity Network build stronger, healthier communities
Ask your organization to join the network.
Learn more in our webinars
Sign up to help monitor one of your local government boards or committees -- Choose from country, municipality, or school district.
Share opportunities to speak to important local policies and funding